Criminal Law
If you have been charged with a criminal offence or breach of an order, we can assist you. Protecting your rights is our first priority.
Seeking legal advice from a Criminal Lawyer Melbourne, before attending court and appearing represented demonstrates to the court that you are taking matters seriously. We are experienced advocates who can support you through the court system.
With years of experience in the legal industry, our team of experts is dedicated to delivering personalised solutions to meet our clients' needs, with the aim of limiting the impact on you.
Our success in the criminal law and our commitment to excellence has earned us a reputation as a caring and compassionate but headstrong defence lawyer. Contact us today to learn about how we can help with your criminal law charges.
We practice in all areas of general crime. Whether it is low level offending or more serious indictable crime - we have a team of criminal lawyer in Melbourne to support you along the way.
Traffic Law
Don't assume a traffic offence is not serious or 'just a driving matter', there can be significant consequences with this type of offending, and the courts take such matters very seriously.
Victorian traffic offences can carry substantial financial penalties and even, terms of imprisonment, along with a number of other life consequences. It is important you seek experienced traffic lawyers in Melbourne, before attending court.
All traffic matters including:
drink and drug driving
drive suspended/disqualified/unlicenced
manner/speed dangerous
careless driving
improper use of a motor vehicle
The list does not stop there! Contact us for an expert Melbourne traffic lawyer.
Intervention Orders
If you find yourself involved in an Intervention Order proceeding, whether an applicant or respondent, it is important that you seek advice from an Intervention Order lawyer as soon as possible.
Having a clear understanding of your rights and options, particularly when there are children involved will assist you in resolving your matter quickly.
We have expert lawyers available for consultation. ​
Divorce & Family Law
Not all relationships last forever. If you find yourself in a relationship breakdown, this can be one of the most stressful times of your life. Our Melbourne family law team pride themselves in working collaboratively with you to achieve your desired outcome.
We strive to settle matters out of court, to keep costs to a minimum and work in the best interests of your family.
Having a clear understanding of your rights and options, particularly when there are children involved will put you in the best position to reach an outcome you can live with.
Whether it is a divorce, child or property matter we can help.
Inquiries & Commissions
Being summonsed to a coercive examination by the Independent Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC), Office of the Chief Examiner (OCE) or Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) can be a stressful event.
We have experienced staff who have appeared before many inquiries as counsel assisting coercive examinations and are well equipped to represent you and guide you through this daunting process.
We understand the internal machinations of commissions of inquiry and will provide you with high-level expertise in this area of the law.
We will advise you of any potential criminal or civil consequences which can flow from these types of inquiries to best protect your interests.
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Tel: (03) 7040 9807
Founder and Principal Lawyer
Rebecca Burdon Legal & Consulting is a law practice of experienced, knowledgeable and professional lawyers who will assist you to navigate through the justice system and achieve the results you want.
Founder and Principal Lawyer of the practice, Rebecca Burdon is an experienced legal practitioner, having enjoyed a lengthy career in the criminal law, where she has made appearances in all Victorian criminal law jurisdictions. Rebecca's experience in a wide-ranging criminal law practice saw her conduct hundreds of matters, advocating on behalf of her clients some of which included driving offences, property and assault offences, breach intervention order, dishonesty, and murder. A firm believer in access to justice, Rebecca is results-driven and will go the extra mile to ensure you get the best results in the circumstances.